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How to Write a Thesis & How to Create a Thesis Statement

Writer's picture: David JonesDavid Jones

Thesis statement


Students struggling with thesis writing opt for SPSS help and services to write their thesis paper & statement effectively. Let us understand what is a thesis. A thesis is a long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a university degree. It is important for the researchers to follow the appropriate structure to develop the thesis with valid and relevant data and information so that the research can be done efficiently.

How to write a thesis paper?

For conducting a qualitative thesis paper, it is important for the researchers or the data analysts to develop the research topic and choose it efficiently as per the guidelines and requirements of the study. Choosing the research topic, understanding the background and defining the problem statement are important for progressing in the thesis paper and developing a quality thesis paper successfully. After that, the abstract is important to be developed well for sharing the information, structure of the thesis paper, main findings and data analysis practice so that the readers can understand the research study successfully. A good abstract is mainly the summary of the whole dissertation or the thesis papers, through which it is possible to develop a clear understanding of the study. After that, there will be a table of contents, a list of figures and a list of tables, for structuring the whole thesis papers in systematic order. The researchers and data analysts try to develop a suitable structure, which includes an introduction, literature review, research methodology, data findings and analysis and conclusions and recommendations.

Points to include while developing a thesis paper

  1. An introduction is the first chapter for developing the thesis paper. In this context, the major subheadings are such as the background of the research, the aim and objectives of the study, the research questions, the rationale of the study, the problem statement and the research hypothesis. It is important to develop the background of the study for understanding the context of the research and also discuss the rationale, which sheds light on the significance of the study and its impacts on social science. The researchers are able to develop appropriate study aims, objectives as well as research questions so that it is possible to understand the focus of conducting the study effectively.

  2. After the introduction chapter, there will be a literature review, in which a proper review of existing works of literature is mandatory. The researchers through reviewing the secondary sources of information including books, journals, articles, published reports, newspapers or company annual reports gather the theories and models as well as secondary information related to the research. This literature review is effective for the researcher to develop an understanding; review the theories and concepts of the study and progress in the study efficiently. The research gap and future research scope are also discussed in this context so that the researchers can mitigate the gap through critical analysis and conducting future research more creatively.

  3. The third chapter of the thesis paper is a methodology, in which the researchers or the data analysts are trying to choose the appropriate methods of conducting in-depth critical studies. The methods include the philosophy of the research, research approaches, data collection and data analysis techniques, which provides a systematic way for the researchers to conduct the thesis papers efficiently by analysing the study topic. The researchers try to test the hypothesis by gathering authentic data and relevant information. There are qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and accordingly, the researchers try to choose the method of gathering appropriate data or further analysis and evaluation. In this context, a time chart is being developed for completing the study within adequate time. Ethical considerations are also discussed in this chapter, where the researchers ensure data safety and security, integrity and honesty in doing the research, encouraging the respondents to provide authentic data under their consent. Hence, through ethical consideration, the quality of the thesis paper can be maintained and the researchers are capable of completing the study efficiently within pre-specified time and budget.

  4. After the research methodology, there are data findings and analysis, in which the researchers represent the findings and analyse them critically by applying the theories and concepts of the research. The researchers try to test the hypothesis by evaluating the data and information. There are statistical analysis methods, descriptive statistics or thematic analysis, through which the researchers can analyse the gathered findings critically. For representing the data findings, the researcher must have data visualisation and representation skills, organising and planning skills as well as good knowledge of the subject matter of interest so that critical findings can be represented efficiently and in a systematic way.

  5. Conclusion and recommendations will be developed, by drawing the final determination. The researchers try to discuss the context of the research for meeting the study objectives as well as recommend some suitable suggestions to resolve the research problem statement.

This is the whole process of developing & writing a thesis paper, where the researchers can maintain its quality standard as well as gather authentic data and information for critical evaluation. Hereby, through such a process, it is possible to complete the thesis paper ethically and test the hypothesis for meeting the research aim.

Developing a thesis statement

The researchers also try to develop a thesis statement, which is important for submitting the final thesis paper, and the thesis statement consists of important information, which can be developed by starting with a research question, writing the initial answers as per the findings, developing the answer with critical evaluation and refining the statement with an appropriate summary of the study. This is important for the researchers to present the whole thesis in a systematic way so that the ultimate study aim can be fulfilled. It is important to start with the research question so that through critical discussion, the researchers can answer the question and mitigate the research problem statement successfully. The thesis statement is concise, contentious and coherent with appropriate information and data findings. The initial answers are given in a clear and concise manner for a better understanding of the readers. After that, there will be a discussion section, in which the researchers can evaluate the gathered findings critically by applying the theories, concepts and models related to the study topic.

Thesis consulting


Planning, writing, and developing a thesis paper & statement is not as easy as it sounds when you watch others writing. You need absolutely perfect research topic, enough knowledge of the topic as well as of the subject, and lots of patience along with sharp writing skills. Your thesis paper is about your personal research, you have to tell people about your work and contributions to previous studies, and you want to make your readers aware of your efforts for solving the issues & limitations left by the former researchers. Hence, you need to be very specific about your writing and data. If you are not good at writing then you can take help from SPSS assignment help services also. Just make sure you are able to take the most out of these services and benefit yourself with your final degree. Good luck!

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